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Lessons from 6 Weeks In Quarantine
Maintaining health during quarantine.

Fall into Health
1. Wash your hands often 2. Avoid crowds 3. Increase Vitamin C 4. Flu vaccination 5. Exercise Additional tips to prevent the flu: A...

Holistic Spring-Detox
Spring is here! It’s time to re-awaken the sleeping winter body and mind. Spring detox can be a mental, physical, emotional and/or...

More sweets please
The more sweet foods I eat, the more my body craves. There are many books written about sugar addictions and diets to reduce weight by...

Self Care
A leaf found while harvesting fruits at an orchard in Pescadero, CA (Paying Attention) I didn’t realize the importance of self-love until...

Behavior Change
"Old Habits are Hard to Die" “It takes 21 days to form a new habit” After years of trying multiple diet and exercise regimes, how do we...
Laughter as Medicine
How often do you laugh? I mean really laugh where you can feel your heart vibrate and your entire body move? Why laugh? Boost immune...
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